
Bright Smiles Dental Organization is a non-governmental organization that deals in the following services,Dental Services,Community Outreaches, Teenage Pregnancies and Skilling the youth. Although overall improvements in oral health have occurred in many developed countries over the years, oral health inequalities have emerged as a major public health challenge because low income and socially disadvantaged groups…


To reach less privileged population in Kanungu District and neighboring districts for promotion of oral health awareness. To build?strong teams in the communities that spear head oral hygiene practices in the population. To establish well stalked dental clinics with well trained, highly skilled and self motivated staff. To build strong partnerships with other organizations that…

Vision & Mission

Vision To build a self sustaining community free from oral health conditions , neglected oral care complications and teenage pregnancies. Mission To empower the under served population with health information on public health dental care , oral hygiene and teenage pregnancies.

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